Strategy & Target / Quota Setting

This is where so many Sales Teams stumble. Get this wrong and you constantly chasing revenue at all costs in an inefficient and ineffective way. Let our experts help you get this right defining the desired outcomes and how to achieve them.

  • Sales & Marketing Strategy: Full review of existing Strategy vs best practice or co-developing a new/first time Strategy covering everything from Customer profiles, engagement approaches to processes and performance measures.
  • Data Strategy: There is not shortage of data today, but data is just that data. We can help you define what data points deliver the most value, where that data will come from, bringing the data together and turn that data into actionable insights that are Customer centric.
  • Customer Profiling: You market is not all Customers. Our experts will help you build up what your ideal Customer/s looks like and then how to reach those customers.
  • Target / Quota setting & Territory Assignment: Let us help you set meaningful yet aspirational targets/quotas that drive the right behaviours and what territory assignment/model makes the most sense given your customers profile/spread.
  • GTM Strategy: We will help you build a reusable and flexible GTM strategy that can be used from bringing your first product to market to the ongoing new products
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